Salary overview based on mandates:
LAB & Company
Executive Search
Executive Search
Platz 2 in der Kategorie Executive Search 2016
Die Personalberatung sucht, bewertet und coacht national und international tätige Führungskräfte aus nahezu allen wichtigen Marktsegmenten. Platz 2 erhält das Unternehmen, weil sich die Personalberatung im schwierigen Umfeld der Kommunalwirtschaft etabliert hat. Dort ist die Besetzung von Organpositionen aufgrund der formalen Anforderungen und Vorgaben oft langwierig und schwierig. LAB & Company hat diese Hürden durch einen ausgefeilten Kompetenz-, Beratungs- und Kommunikationsmix überwunden.
Top Industries
1. Information Technology
(48% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Production and Processing of Raw Materials
(29% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
3. Telecommunications
(9% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
4. Manufacturing Industry
(4% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
5. Automotive and Vehicle Manufacturing
(4% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
Top Functions
1. General Management
(44% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
2. Production, Manufacturing
(36% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
3. Information Technology, Telecommunications
(5% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
4. Sales
(4% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
5. Marketing
(2% all mandates in direct search)
To view the Distribution of mandates according to salary, you must first create an Experteer account.
100 %
Open Positions ({{headhunterJobsCtrl.totalJobCount}})
Johanna Horn currently has no open positions available.